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A message from our founder, Arissa


The DIVE Healing® journey, how we are different, and a comment on pharmaceuticals.

Firstly, thanks for taking the time to visit us here!

The journey since establishing DIVE Healing® in early 2021 has been epic, and I have learned a great deal through sharing my unique service offering and the helpful feedback from each and every one of our clients through this process.

I feel incredibly grateful to have been able to offer my services to the community thus far, and absolutely honoured to be part of the transformational life changes each and every client has courageously shared with me, or at the very least being a piece in the tapestry of their healing journey! 

The truth is, running a private practice isn't always easy or perfectly smooth sailing ~ especially when as a practitioner, I've never really fit the "standard mould". Instead I've learned to work from an “intuitive intelligence first” approach, because something within me was never really convinced that it was wise to only take my cues from academia or the reductionistic rhetoric found in today's main-stream medicine and approach to science. 


Don't get me wrong! That type of medical model serves well in triage / emergency based situations where Doctors, surgeons and nurses can offer their skills and life-saving procedures to those who need it. 


But when it comes to prevention and deep healing on a spiritual, subconscious, and cellular level, it requires far more than reducing our health down to a static “thing” based upon our inherited genetics, or relying solely on pharmaceuticals. 

A brief comment on pharmaceuticals

I've often been asked by clients about medication and how I approach this subject, so I thought I'd pop a few words in here - and invite you to reflect on this in your own time.


Remember there is no ‘one-size-fits-all’ and it's really important to take the time to evaluate things for yourself carefully. After all, it's your body, and you know you better than anyone!


Pharmaceuticals aim to (with about 25% success long term) subdue the severity of symptoms and shift a person's biochemical process out of a crisis response - often described in the medical world as “stabilising" an individual. This is considered by many to be helpful if a person is already undertaking psychological therapy or is about to commence therapy ~ so that they have more of an opportunity to be present in the therapeutic process (vs. shut-down in survival mode).


However, the downside to pharmaceuticals is that it does not actually address or treat the underlying cause of an issue (it's just not designed that way), nor does it help us to understand how we've come to function the way we do, why our spirit remains restless, or the reasons we engage in behaviours (and thinking) that keeps us stuck. It also does not teach us practical skills for how to manage an emotional crisis when we have one! 


Additionally, the reality today is that many individuals have continued to experience significant health decline despite the use of pharmaceuticals (over the long term), not to mention experiencing a host of unhelpful side effects (eg. cognitive and memory impairment, irritable bowel, weight gain, liver damage, headaches etc), and reporting feeling less and less like themselves or kind of “numb” and "out of it".


But for anyone considering a change to their medication, including reduction or even cessation ~ my strong recommendation would be to never ever do this alone! Doing so could potentially lead to serious adverse consequences and/or risk. Always seek specialist guidance and supervision from your professional health support team/network, to allow you to make informed decisions and safely manage the adjustment period and any potential withdrawal effects that could arise from reduction or cessation or even a change to medication in general. 

What makes us different at DIVE Healing®?

As the founder and brainchild of DIVE Healing, my mission and passion has been to create a meaningful bridge between science and spirituality through effective holistic healthcare that draws upon both timeless ancient wisdom and modern evidence-based research.


Through my years of experience, I have come to learn that deep healing requires not only working with the psychology of our being, but our whole body and spirit ~ additionally it takes conscious effort and a true intent to want to do the ‘inner work’ to create lasting change on all levels and dimensions.


Here, Psychology sessions are infused with the Sound Medicine of Acutonics® and Biofield Tuning® together with the wisdom from Yogic and Buddhist teachings ~ where the focus isn't just about symptom reduction ~ it's about journeying towards deeper self-compassion, self-understanding, embodiment, and learning what it means to create and live a fulfilling life.

Does this resonate with you?

Are you ready to embark on a life-changing journey that not only transforms you, but also empowers you to achieve breakthroughs you never thought possible?

Do you feel it's finally time to shift your mind, body and nervous system from being held in a certain pattern, so you can regain clarity and inner peace?

Imagine discovering a new-found self-love that lets you become the very beacon of hope, growth and positivity you've been searching for to guide you.

Let's work together

Our sessions together will be a meaningful collaboration focused towards facilitating deep healing and most importantly re-connecting you with your own intuitive guidance and 'inner healer".



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